Thursday, February 1, 2007

The Instances of the Burning Crusade

The new instances in the Burning Crusade have kept me so entertain that I have found a couple of my last posts basically turn into walkthroughs for them. To get this out of my system so I can talk about other topics and perhaps even a MMO besides World of Warcraft I've decided to post the basic order of all the new instances in World of Warcraft. buy wow gold I am going to structure it on recommended level from WoWwiki starting with the five man instances. I've also done the Slave Pens and Underbog a couple of times since hitting 65 so don't be too suprised to see walkthroughs appear for them also.
Hellfire Citadel: Hellfire (60-62 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Watchkeeper Gargolmar - Vazruden & Nazan - Omor the Unscarred
Hellfire Citadel: Blood Furnace (61-63 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: The Maker - Broggok - Keli'dan the Breaker
Coilfang Reservoir: The Slave Pens buy wow gold (62-64 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Mennu the Betrayer - Rokmar the Crackler - Quagmirran
Coilfang Reservoir: The Underbog (63-65 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Hungarfen - Ghaz'an - Swamplord Musel'ek - The Black Stalker
Auchindoun: Mana Tombs (64-66 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Pandemonius - Tavarok - Nexus-Prince Shaffar
Auchindoun: Auchenai Crypts (65-67 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Shirrak the Dead Watcher - Exarch Maladaar
Caverns of Time: Escape from Durnholde buy wow gold (66–68 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Lieutenant Drake - Captain Skarloc - The Epoch Hunter
Auchindoun: Sethekk Halls (67-69 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Darkweaver Syth - Talon King Ikiss
Caverns of Time: Opening the Dark Portal - (70 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Chrono Lord Deja - Temporus - Aeonus
Tempest Keep: The Mechanar (69-72 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: First Layer: Gatewatcher Gyro-Kill - Gatewatcher Iron-Hand - Mechano-Lord Capacitus - Nethermancer Sepethrea - Pathaleon the Calculator
Hellfire Citadel: The Shattered Halls (70-72 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Grand Warlock Nethekurse - Warbringer O'mrogg - Kargath Bladefist
Coilfang Reservoir: The Steamvault (70-72 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Hydromacer Thespia - Mekgineer Steamrigger - Warlord Kalithresh
Auchindoun: Shadow Labyrinth buy wow gold (70-72 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Ambassador Hellmaw - Blackheart the Inciter - Grandmaster Vorpil - Murmur
Tempest Keep: The Botanica (70-72 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Commander Sarannis - High Botanist Freywinn - Thorngrin the Tender - Laj - Warp Splinter
Tempest Keep: The Arcatraz (70-72 mobs, 5 player groups)Bosses: Zereketh the Unbound - Wrath-Scryer Soccothrates - Dalliah the Doomsayer - Warden Mellichar Event
Karazhan: (Key Quest Requires Shadow Labyrinth/Steamvault/Arcatraz, 10 player raid)Final Bosses: Nightbane
Zul'Aman: (TBA, 10 player raid)
Gruul's Lair (No Key, 25 player raid)Bosses: buy wow gold High King Maulgar - Kiggler the Crazed - Blindeye the Seer - Olm the Summoner - Krosh Firehand - Gruul
Magtheridon's Lair (No Key, 25 player raid)Final Boss: Magtheridon
Serpentshrine Cavern (Key Quest, 25 player raid)Final Boss: Lady Vashj
Tempest Keep: The Eye (Key Quest Chain, 25 player raid)Final Boss: Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider
Caverns of Time: Battle on Mount Hyjal (Long Quest Chain, 25 player raid)
The Black Temple: (TBA, Full 25 player raid zone)

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