Saturday, March 31, 2007

Have You Checked Out The WOW Armory Yet?

The answer to that is probably pretty simple yes or no wow gold , but I want to ask the question, I just want to know What are your thoughts about the WoW Armory. But who knows that may have started a huge discussion rant kinda like what happened on the WoW forums.

Many people both believe the armory is a good thing as well as a bad thing. I, myself, believe it to be a good thing as it gives an official way to check out your stats and stuff while not logged into the game wow gold without having to download another addon to get that information.

Yes, I have been using it also to “spy” on my friends to see what talent builds they are using along with what gear they have. I do that in order to help better prepare my character and to learn different ways to customize wow gold builds. It really is a great information tool.

On the other hand it also does take away any “privacy” we had in the game. A lot of people like to rant and rave about that fact there and they don’t stop to realize that Blizzard owns all the character data and they can do wow gold whatever they want with it so “privacy” in World of Warcraft never really existed. Anyway, that is another total discussion.

It also serves a great purpose as a tool for any guild master. How? Pretty simply a great way to see an overall assesment of their own guild. Easy way to find out where they need to beef up numbers and what they are missing on wow gold recruitment as well as knowing if the numbers of level 70s is great enough to start trying to conquer the end game instances.

Also a great “spy” tool to look at other guilds. So…wait…you…mean….that this tool can both be used for good as well as bad purposes? wow gold Can’t anything worthwhile be used for good as well as bad purposes?

Ok, all joking aside. Players seem to be wow gold upset because this tool actually will raise the bar of WoW players and who really wants more competition?

What does everyone else think about the armory and do you plan to use it for good or bad purposes? Let me know.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

The things I'll do once I get a membership of RS

Once I get a membership , I'm going to have to do a lot of shopping. At the begining,rs gold i have buy 7 million gp from rs gold a gold sell web. 7 million gp, all for me to get back onto my feet. Although 7 million gp does sound like quite a lot of cash, I'd definitely have a lot more had I not retired from Runescape for a year. However, it'll be more than enough to give me a headstart on what I need.

I have everything I need to get back on my feet rs gold, such as a Rune Hatchet and knife. Really, that's all I'm going to need because I can already craft my own Nature Runes and pick my own Flax (though I'll probably pick 100, alch those and end up with 100k, and just buy all the flax and strings I need).

But since I have the money... I might as well make things easier on myself. I plan on purchasing the following rs gold :

-Several Glory Amulets (For nat running)
-Rune Pick Axe (For mining the minerals and gems I need)
-Full Rune with Dragon Scimitar or Abyssal Whip (For self defence)
-Full Black Dragonhide (For

That's all really. Now, because I have money, and I want to enjoy myself:

-Abyssal Whip rs gold
-Dragon Halbred, Long, Scimitar, Battle Axe, Dagger(s), and Square Shield
-Possibly an Obsidian Shield
-Recharge my Crystal Bow

That's about it. I also plan on trying out the new Construction skill and performing various new quests recently introduced into the game. Once that's over with, then I'll probably focus on getting full Dragon armor and increasing my Range, rs gold Crafting, and Magic levels while making lots of cash.

However, unless last summer where I could spend all day on Runescape, I recently found a summer job that seems to take up a lot of time and is very stressful on my behalf. However, I don't think it should bother me too much, so hopefully I'll be able to play and write at the same time.

Wish me luck. And as always, I thank my loyal readers who actually read these little stories I write. Thank you.

A new technique.

And the wife was just blown away. She was laughing with power. "That's what I'm talking about."

The new idea? For us at least. Honorus gathers together a handful of mobs, she melts them with AoEs. We realized (yes, yes, we're wow gold such noobs) that killing one was as hard as killing six. If I could survive six beating on me, which I can, we can up our kill rate sixfold. Sweet.
Running a Protection build now, she deep in the Arcane tree, we sought mobs we could round up and beat down. The Kurzen guys we gathered up in their huts, and dispatched them. Like pigs in a poke, or fish in a barrel.

Fun, fun. Those Kill X quests should go more wow gold quickly now. Warhorse and Chestnut mare, we'll be collecting ours shortly.

Later, trying to wrap up my Stockades quests, I joined a group with three others. 21 Nelf Priest, 21 Nelf Druid, and a 27 Draenei Shaman. I'd turn on Seal of Light, let the Consecration flow, get mana back from the heals I got. I'd run into groups wow gold of Defias prisoners and we'd end their pathetic little riot.

I've so much yet to enjoy in this game. Burn-out is other people's problem.

Monday, March 26, 2007

MMOs Break Bank

A report at says the Western MMO market broke the 1 Billion dollar mark for the first time.

In 2006, North American MMO wow gold subscriptions hit $576 million, while Europe’s climbed to $299 million. Germany was listed as the biggest market in Europe with the UK following. The biggest money-makers were WORLD OF WARCRAFT (as you already guessed) and RUNESCAPE (which you probably didn’t). Digest the entire story.

Three things surprised me about the above. wow gold I knew WoW was huge - but 54 percent of the MMO market is mind-blowing. I knew Jagex and their browser-based MMO, RUNESCAPE have long been doing well - but second place in earnings? Amazing. And finally, Germany as Europe’s biggest market? I dunno, I just found wow gold this surprising. Especially as very few MMOs seem to be developed there. NEOCRON comes to mind and that’s about it. WORLD OF PIRATES maybe? There’s probably more that haven’t been localized for N. America. Maybe someone can fill me in. German devs you have a wow gold voracious public clamoring for MMOs. What say you?

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Funny Guild Wars Guild Names

a list of funny/witty Guild Wars guild names

A Lovely Bunch Of Coconuts
Advent Children
Air Musicans Guild
Alpha Male
Alliance Of Presentable Egos
Angry Businessmens
Amazon Basin
Apacolypse Later
Attacking The Darkness
Guild wars Gold
Axe Effect
Backstreet Boyz
Barbie Girls
Battery Powered Best Friend [Vibe]
Bet U Miss
Big In Japan
Blame It On Us [Oops]
Blame The Monks [lame]
Blinkie Ponie Armie
BORG Collective
Guild wars Gold
British Empire
Brotherhood Of Massive Beatings
Bum Fight Krew
Bunch Of Angry Canadians
Callers Of Cthulhu
Charr On a Stick
Cheat Enabled
Chunky Lovin
Club Baby Seals [FuR]
C O P S [GwPD]
Guild wars Gold
Cosa Nostra
Crazy Eighty Eight
Deldrimor Bowl Plumbing
Digital Pimp Slap [DPS]
Dongeons Et Dragons [ADD]
Dont Aggro That Guild [RUN]
Dragon Lance
Dude Wheres My Char
Dungeons N Dolyaks [DnD]
Guild wars Gold
Ebay Gold Sellers [WTS]
Energizer Bunnies
Erreur Sept [argh]
Fraggle Rock
Freaking Idiots
Fu Fighters
Fun With Blood [SuK]
George Bush Is Not My [prez]
Gentlefolk and Scholars
Gentlemans Club
Guild wars Gold
Get Your Own Build
Ghostly Zeroes
Giligan’s Army
Good Relations With Wookiees [YODA]
Got Game?
Green Party
Guess Who Fails At Game Balance [izzy]
Guild Name
Gwens Flute Breakers [GWEN]
Harmless Fairies
Guild wars Gold
Hate Crimes
Henchmen for Hire
Hi Again
Hobbits Rule
Holy Hand Grenade League
Horde Of Zombies
House Of The Flying Daggers
House Of the Zodiac
Howl at the Moon
Hungry Hippos
Guild wars Gold
I Didnt Know Gwen Was [Ten]
I Care Bears I [HUG]
Invincible Warriors [tank]
Im Following You
Immortal Slimes
In Harms Way
Indecisive and Uncaring
Invitation Only
Irresistible Blokes Int
Island Of The Misfit Toys
Guild wars Gold
Ive Got Girl Parts [ZOMG]
Jail Bait
Jive Monkeys
Just Another Crowd [mob]
Just Type Resign [NooB]
Kama Sutra
Kill All Newbies
Knights Of Takhisiss
Knights Of The Old Republic
Knights Who Say Ni
Guild wars Gold
Le Petite Morte
Left For Dead
Lets Disband Again [cya]
Lightning Strikes Twice
Living Dangerously
Lone Wolf Pack
Love At First Site
Magic Markers
Manic Depression
Mending Is Overpowered [nerf]
Guild wars Gold
Moa Birds
Monkey Business
Morporkian Mercenaries
Mostly Harmless
Murderous Tendencies
Nappy Roots
Natural Born Killaz
Nerf Herders
No Mutants Allowed
No Opposing Party
Guild wars Gold
Nooobs Just Took Halls [WTF]
Not Suitable For Children [PRON]
Nuclear Launch Detected
Officer I Swear Shes Eighteen [GweN]
Old Skoool
Omg Noobs
Order Of Fighting Foo’s
Order Of the Slug
Outlawed Nubz
Our Name Is Legion
Guild wars Gold
Over The Top
Panic Attack
Parapalegic Swim Team [sink]
Patient Relaxed People
People Who Pwn
Pick Up Group [PuG]
Pirate Ninjas
Pirate Scum
Pirates Of The Caribbeans
Pirates of the Scurvy Dog
Guild wars Gold
Pis On Your Grave
Players Against Good and Nice
Please Wait We Load Kinda Slow [prOn]
Plz Check Your Connection [Err了]
Pool Cleaners Of Tyria
Protectors of Ascalon Wildlife
Punishers of Stupid Youths
Pure Vicious Pwnage
Rabble Rousers
Rag Tag Bandits
Guild wars Gold
Reckless Abandon
Revive Teammates [rezz]
Riot Control
Rip Ya To Shreds
Rohirrim Outriders
Rubber Ducky’s Of Doom
Running Retards
Rurik Drops The [sOap]
Screen Actors Guild [SAG]
Shaolin Masters
Guild wars Gold
Sisters of No Mercy
Sith Lords
Slow Children At [PLAY]
Someone Call The Ambulance [PliZ]
Sour Patch Kids
Snape Kills Dumbledore [JKR] (Editor’s note: How cruel!)
Sneak Attack
Spawn of Bhaal
Starfleet Intelligence Guild
Guild wars Gold
State Farm
Stones To Death
Suck It Up
Taking Care of Business
Thank You Come Again
That Hideous Strength
Titanic Deck Chair Attendents [SWIM]
The Bomb
The Capitalist Pigs
Guild wars Gold
The Douchebags
The Fellowship Of The Bling
The Freaks of Nature
The Free Rangers
The Gwen Search Party
The House of the Flying Daggers
The Illuminati
The Land Of The Free [Usa]
The Last Man Standing
The Magic Gathering
Guild wars Gold
The Migrant Workers Guild
The Mole People
The Mucking Fuppets
The One Ups
The Order Of Fubar
The Rebel Alliance
The Republic
The Short Bus
The Socialists
The Thugz
Guild wars Gold
The Thunder Cats
The Tremere Vampires
The Under Appreciated Masterpieces
The Venture Brothers
The Zerglings
There Is A Cow Level
There Is No Cow Level
There Is No Spoons
Thou Eateth My Peas
Thought Police
Guild wars Gold
Time For Bed
Toilet Paper [Wipe]
Traitors To The Crown
Twinkies With Unibrows
Wal Mart Doesnt Pay Min [Wage]
Wasted After Hours
We’ll Never Get To The [HoH] (HoH = Hall of Heroes)
We Are All Pretty [ugly]
We Are Godzilla You Are Japan
Guild wars Gold
We Are Not Goth
We Blame Your Mother [MilF]
We Cant Pay Attention [ADD]
We Cause Seizures
We Get More Chicks
We Hate Life [Meh]
We Step On Puppies
We Want A Guild [LFG]
While You Were Out
Your Math Teacher [MATH]
Guild wars Gold
Zerg Rushed

Sources: Guild Wars Guru Guild Database, Guild Wars Ladder, Guild Wars LiveJournal Community

Add more Guild Wars guild names in the comments!

Thanks to the members of the Guild Wars LiveJournal Community for their input!

Friday, March 23, 2007

Service with a smile in the Bank and AH

Datto asks an awesome question: which banker do you use? Do you have a loyalty to a specific banker, or do you just always hit up the closest one?cheap wow gold Whenever I think of banking, I think of Orgrimmar, and walking a few steps in and to the left to see my man Karus cheap wow gold (at least I think it's Karus-- is it wrong of me to never get to know the teller all the times I've visited him?).

It's not that I won't bank elsewhere-- when in Undercity, I often visit the Montagues, and if I happen to be in TB,cheap wow gold I'll go to them (although, truth be told, I can't ever really remember visiting the bank in TB). On Alliance side, I don't have a specific banker that I go to, but I do like the Stormwind Bank-- it seems so much cleaner than Ironforge's bank. IF seems like a dirty pawn shop to me. Plus, cheap wow gold Stormwind's bankers are named "Olivia," "Newton," and "John," so there's that.

The same could be asked about auctioneers, and again, on Horde I do about 80% of my AH shopping in Orgrimmar, all with the guy on the left (and I have no idea at all what his name is). There is something to be said, as a few players note, cheap wow gold for simply going to the auctioneer that's the least busy-- it's nicer not to have to fight the lines to get a click in. And on Alliance side, there is none other: all of my auctioneer business goes through the lovely Redmuse in Ironforge. She's been running my auctions for me ever since the beginning,cheap wow gold and I've seen no reason to change. Every once in a while, IF will run laggy, and I'll be a little irked that she's taking so long to get my auction up, but one look in those eyes and that red hair, and everything's OK again.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

The land of Ice

I recently began playing GuildWars again. I originally purchased it over a year ago but never really got into it much and ended up quitting within a short period of time. But recently a friend of mine, who happens to have been playing it for two years, suggested I come back and we'd run missions together. Guild wars GoldSo, after reminding me six or seven times, and then showing me where to download the client (I couldnt' find my disc), I finally logged back into the game and started playing.

We quickly ran through several of the story missions and I found myself having a great time and then logging in during the day and doing the side-quests or exploring. Guild wars GoldWhat have I found? Well, I'm having a surprising amount of fun.

Tonight I finally made it out of the Ascalon lands which are mostly ruins and fire and populated with lots of beasts including the Charr.Guild wars Gold Tonight, however, I made it to Yak's Bend, a small outpost in the middle of the snowy mountains. And I encountered all new foes (such as the one below) to fight.

Yak's Bend is special, not just for its fantastic name, but also for the fact that you get the ability to have more henchmen in your party, up to five instead of three. Guild wars GoldAnd there are new types available including a Brawler, a Cultist, and an Enchanter.

I also learned about crafting tonight and have discovered that you can salvage magical components from some weapons which you can then double-click apply onto your existing weapons. Now this makes the game much more entertaining!Guild wars Gold Sell for gold, salvage for crafting components, or salvage for magical upgrades! A tough choice indeed!

Well, I stopped playing long enough to write this blog and now I'm headed back in. Guild wars GoldThe ice golems got the best of me this last time so its time for some payback, warrior style!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

How to Get to Level 70 Fast?

Notice that I did not say “easily”, or “without working”. And I definitely did not add “by cheating” or “taking advantage of bugs”. None of those things make us better players, nor do they add any amount of fun to the game. wow power leveling World of Warcraft is only fun if you are willing to work at it. What I want to do is to make my play time more efficient, and to get more results out of the efforts that I make.

For instance, how many times have you grinded (ground?) one mob to get items for a quest, only to turn it in and find another quest right beside it that you could have been picking up items for on the same mob?? wow power leveling Or even getting credit for kills on one quest, while picking up items for another at the same time. Or two different mobs from the same area for two or more different quests. If you can manage to accomplish two or more things with the same effort, then you are increasing your efficiency. wow power leveling

Another example of efficiency improvement comes from reducing your travel time between quests. Knowing “what to do next” is a huge step to reducing the length of time it takes to level up.

Let’s not forget about rest time: if you have two or more toons you can gain efficiency by getting double xp per power leveling True, each toon will take longer to level, but the total time to level all the toons will be shorter than if you did one after the other.

Lastly, knowing where certain mobs and items are is a great way to improve, although not everyone wants to know these things ahead of time. I know that I do, but I can understand the desire to find things out on your own.

I think it was Confucius who said, “Any fool can learn from his own mistakes, but a wise man learns from other people’s mistakes.” To that end, I feel that the Internet provides us some terrific opportunities to pick up knowledge from other people, and to take advantage of the things they have learned from their own power leveling This is efficiency at its highest form, and I am going to let you in on a little secret. I have been levelling using a guide from Brian Kopp, and it has really reduced the amount of time it has taken me to level. So far I am at level 69, and my total playing time on that character has been less than about 60 hours. Much of this has been spent on my professions, which were by no means a requirement. Also, most of my training has been solo, which is what I prefer.

Will this guide work for you? Only if you are an Alliance character;wow power leveling I am sure there are guides for Horde out there, but since I have not made any Horde characters I have not seen any guides for them. However, I will be investigating them soon. As to the Alliance guide, it works for all races and classes including the new ones. The guide comes in 4 parts:

1. Class-specific tips. For each class you are given suggested specs as tool bar setups. Following these earlier would have made my life easier, wow power leveling believe me!

2. Race-specific start-up guides. For each starting area, there is a guide for levels 1-12.

3. General guide for levels 12 - 70. The 60-70 guide is actually added on; it is recommended that you get to 60 before going to Outlands. Partly this is due to the fact that it will be easier once you get there, but also due to the fact that we want to use the quests to get us to 70, wow power leveling and not fall short and have to grind.

4. Map add-on to make finding quest spots easier. I confess that I did not use this, but I can see that it would make life easier power leveling I simply already have a map add-on and I work with it well, so I did not see any need to change.

My main character is a Dwarf Hunter, and I have literally raced through the levels. I know that my next toon would be even faster (a guide does not prevent you from making any mistakes; just most of them!). Also,wow power leveling I have a Human Warrior that is making his way up as well (currently level 11), as tanks are in high demand for instances and raids.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Burning Crusade tradeskills

I've been asking one of the best blacksmiths on my server to give me his impressions on his craft. Of the producing tradeskills I've more towards those that produce mainly "consumables"cheap wow gold (Alchemy, Jewelcrafting, Enchanting), and neglected those that produce mainly more permanent gear (Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, Tailoring). So with getting the observations of a blacksmith, I now got a wider view of crafting in the Burning Crusade.

Getting any tradeskill up to 375 is a rather expensive wow gold The blacksmith needed 1,000 thorium bars and 200 elemental earth just to get to 330. My jewelcrafter used a long list of gems to level up to just 310. But all of these were with materials that could be gathered before the Burning Crusade even started, and lots of people had stockpiled materials to get their tradeskills up fast.

Progress got a lot slower when the only recipes that still advanced your skills were those only found in the new areas. The only lucky one here is my alchemist, because herbs are relatively abundant and easy to wow gold Finding ore nodes is a lot harder, apparently they spawn less often, or there are far more people searching for them, as ore nodes are used for jewelcrafting, blacksmithing, and engineering. To put this into some perspective: While prices for Adamantium Ore fluctuate wildly, the range is about 1 gold to 3 gold for a *single* ore, 20 to 60 gold for a stack. So with an average price of 2 gold per ore, and an average yield of 2-3 ore per node, finding a single adamantium node is worth 5 gold!

If fel iron and adamantium is already not easy to find, getting eternium and khorium gets really, really wow gold Eternium is a random rare "side-drop" from mining fel iron or adamantium ore nodes. Khorium is gathered from khorium ore nodes, which rarely spawn in the place where usually a fel iron or adamantium ore node spawns. There is no way to selectively go after either of them, you just hunt for the normal ores and have to get lucky to find them. That is especially hard on blacksmiths, because they use a lot of felsteel, which needs 4 eternium ore per steel bar to produce, so even one pair of felsteel gloves ends up needing 24 eternium ore.

While gathering materials is slow,cheap wow gold getting the recipes to craft something higher level is a lot slower. Trainers don't give any of the higher level recipes, leaving only faction recipes and drops as source. The good news is that reputation in the Burning Crusade isn't all that hard to gather, because except for Aldor/Scryer rep you automatically gain faction by killing mobs in dungeons. Do a lot of 5-mans, and your reputations automatically goes up. Only if you happen to prefer soloing, you're screwed, limited to a few repeatable grinding quests to gain faction. The bad news is that drop recipes are really, really hard to acquire in the Burning Crusade.

This is due to rare drop recipes in the Burning Crusade using a new system. They are all "world drops", meaning there is no mob that drops them more often than another mob. You can't farm a particular corner of the world for a particular recipe any more, as it was still the case at level 60. The other new feature is that the rare drop recipes only drop for people with that tradeskill. If you are in a group of 5 and 2 of the players are jewelcrafters, and a mob drops a jewelcrafting recipe, only the 2 jewelcrafters will even see it and get the need/greed roll box. If there is no jewelcrafter at all, the drop simply doesn't happen, and thus the amount of recipes entering the world is further limited. As these drops are rare to begin with, and the crafters that are the only ones being allowed to get them of course first fill their own recipe books before selling excess recipes, the number of recipes found in the auction house is very limited, and the prices are sky-high, costing many hundreds of gold pieces. On the positive side of that is that crafters are now more unique, you will find few or no crafters having all the recipes of their trade. On the negative side your recipes are now very much random, there is no way to say "I want that recipe" and go after it, except for farming gold and camping the auction house.

The reason why I personally prefer crafting consumables, like potions or socketable gems, is that the resources for them are more widely available. I regularly gather adamantium ore, or buy stacks of them if the prices are below 25 gold per stack. Then I use the prospecting skill and transform them into adamantium powder (needed for mercurial adamantite, which is a major component in jewelry), lots of common gems, and the occasional rare gem. I get about 1 rare gem for 30 adamantium ore on average, so I can make a profit by selling the cut rare gems for 50 gold, and using the proceeds to buy more recipes.

For the crafters of gear, getting materials is a lot harder. The better recipes all use a lot of primals, which makes primals very much in demand and expensive. Both hardcore players and gold farmers nowadays spend a lot of time farming elementals to get primals. If you want to craft epic items, you often need one or several primal nethers. These only drop reliably from the end bosses of heroic instances, and can thus be considered as an added partial epic drop from them. Not something the average player will see a lot of.

A lot of the epic level 70 gear you can craft nowadays is "bind on pickup", and thus becomes soulbound as soon as you craft it. This very much illuminates the philosophy behind World of Warcraft tradeskills: you craft to enhance your own character, opening a business is secondary. If you want to be a blacksmith, you better do it with somebody able to wear plate armor and wield metal weapons, because as a priest, mage, or warlock you'd lose out on many of the crafts advantages. But if you're a warrior smith, you gain an additional source of epic weapons or armor, which are equivalent to what you can get in a raid.

In summary I'd say that the Burning Crusade tradeskills work as intended, giving players an additional thing to do to enhance their characters. This is far, far away from the concept of a player-run economy that games like UO, SWG, or LotRO have. Crafting doesn't play a big role in World of Warcraft, it's just an extra. It fits in the general philosophy of WoW as primarily a game, and not so much a virtual world. That will leave some player (including me) yearning for more, but works well enough for the majority.

Is the Burning Crusade reshuffling guilds?

A reader who prefers to remain anonymous wrote me and asked me about my opinion on how The Burning Crusade transforms guilds. In his guild the most hardcore players leveled to 70 and attuned to Karazhan a lot quicker than the rest, cheap wow goldand then instead of helping the others to reach the same level just quit the guild and joined a "more serious" raiding guild. And I wouldn't be surprised if that happened all over the place.

Of course there are also bright examples. I was discussing WoW with some RL friends last night, and their guild decided to not start Karazhan before everybody was attuned, and organized lots of evenings for the different steps of the attunement quest. cheap wow goldSuch organization goes a long way towards creating a more homogeneous guild environment. But the more frequent thing is for the Burning Crusade sorting out people inside a guild into different sub-groups, and these groups eventually separating.

It is Karazhan that will turn out to be the real bottleneck here. I have yet to hear from guilds that successfully manage two or more Karazhan raids in parallel, most either limit themselves to one raid, or have a second group that fails miserably. Lets face it, not all 40 players in a MC raid were equally responsible for the success. cheap wow goldThere is a wide distribution of dedication and skill, from the main tank who participates in every raid, to the guy who is on his first raid and ends up getting several epics that nobody else wants any more. With the same 40 people you simply can't run 4 Karazhan raids in parallel. Karazhan is hard, and it requires all 10 players in the raid to be totally focused.

This leads to the Burning Crusade making a more clear distinction between hardcore raiders and casual raiders. If the guild is very large, the hardcore just tend to forget about the rest and just organize their little 10-man raid for themselves. Which of course will sooner or later lead to 10 people standing in front of a 25-man raid encounter and wondering how to do wow gold It would be surprising if they didn't have the idea that its easier to leave the guild and join other people with the same mind set and problem. In smaller guilds this separation simply happens earlier, because the hardcore aren't numerous enough to form their own Karazhan raids.

Molten Core already at level 60 could be successfully raided by less than 40 people. That provided guilds with free raid slots that they could fill up with less experienced, less geared people, who were just there for the headcount and contributed less than the others. Some sort of DKP system made sure that the more frequent raiders got loot first,cheap wow gold but most people were okay with unneeded epics going to newbies instead of being sharded. The advantage of that was that at the end of the raid the newbie had gained both experience in raiding, and possibly some gear, making him more valuable for the next raid.

This sort of training ground is missing in the Burning Crusade. When I first heard about the raid dungeons I automatically assumed that there would be a 25-man raid dungeon which you could tackle wearing a full set of the new blue dungeon set, the equivalent of going to MC in full tier 0 armor. But apparently this is not the case, cheap wow goldthere is no alternative to Karazhan with equal difficulty and larger raid size. Everybody needs to gear up in that 10-man dungeon to access the first 25-man dungeon. That will be fiendishly hard to organize inside a single guild. The temptation will be strong for a serious reshuffle of guilds, with several guilds' regular Karazhan raiders banding together for the bigger stuff, and leaving their former guild mates behind.

If you think of guilds as being associations of players of equal attitude and needs, formed just to accomplish things they couldn't do on their own,cheap wow gold this reshuffling is the only logical thing to do. But for people like me, old enough to remember previous concepts of guilds being there for friends to play together, this trend comes as a serious disappointment and sad statement on the selfishness of players.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

WOW Director of Education

I have heard it said that if you want to know what is going on in the world, you must participate in it. To me, this sums up my role as WOW Director of Education.

For those who don’t know me, let me introduce myself. I am a teacher at a community college in central Illinois. Before assuming my current role, cheap wow gold I worked in various business and industry and state government roles (mostly in Information Technology related positions) for several decades. I was also a consultant for a period of time. I have been working with web systems since 1992. I first met Bill Cullifer in the fall of 1999 at a conference in Chicago. He hasn’t been able to avoid me since cheap wow gold (and I have been a member of WOW since that time). After some initial discussions, I decided that WOW was an organization that I wanted to help succeed. Although there were other organizations of web professionals, WOW was the only one with an emphasis on education and community. Bill came to our college campus in April, 2001 and we established a local chapter of WOW at that time. Rationale for establishing a local chapter included providing opportunities for our students to network with practicing professionals and learn what is required to succeed in our profession.

Several years ago, a number of members of WOW cheap wow gold agreed it was time to try and establish national web curriculum standards. We held a preliminary meeting in Las Vegas as part of a WOW conference. One thing lead to another and I eventually agreed to help Bill as the WOW Director of Education.

Working in this capacity has provided me with many opportunities to meet and exchange ideas with business and industry leaders and educators who are equally passionate about web technologies and the need for consistent education and preparation. I consider myself very fortunate to be able to work with so many talented individuals who share their ideas and collaborate to help WOW and our efforts towards national web curriculum standards. cheap wow gold I believe we have made significant progress on this initiative in the past few years and I am most appreciative of the efforts expended by many individuals to get us to our current position. We now have 8 recognized WOW Academies which have been through a thorough review process and have validated they adhere to national web curriculum standards.

I find it refreshing to work with individuals who hold different views than I do and who are willing to share their perspectives. cheap wow gold We end up with a much better result through our collaboration and discussions. My point is that the collaboration is very necessary for us to maintain a nationwide focus (and not just a local view).

As a member of one of the WOW Academies, I believe it is also important for us to foster a sense of community and collaboration at the local level. For example, we need to hold more local chapter meetings to provide our students with opportunities to network with practicing web professionals. cheap wow gold We need to attract involvement from the local business and industry sectors so we can better serve the local needs for web professionals.

I am often asked by students (and peers) how I manage to stay on top of so many new developments with web technologies. The simple answer is that I maintain a large network of individuals who are willing to share their knowledge with me frequently. cheap wow gold Of course, I also do a fair amount of reading and try various techniques on my own.

In the time I have been working with WOW, I have seen a number of significant accomplishments. A few of these are listed below:

We have established WOW Academies which meet our national standards for web curricula.
We have begun offering web seminars to aspiring and practicing web professionals.
We have begun offering short courses to practicing and aspiring professionals on specific topics (like PHP fundamentals). cheap wow gold These courses typically last a few weeks and help an individual get up to speed quickly on a given technology.
We have begun to finalize a set of curriculum guidelines and pathways for students who are interested in web systems beginning with grade 9 and continuing through the Bachelor’s degree.
None of these accomplishments could have been accomplished without the efforts of many individuals and I am thankful for everyone’s help and support. Now that we have a foundation, some of our plans for the future include:

Finalize the curriculum guidelines and pathways for students interested in web systems.
Continue to work with local WOW chapters to promote education and community.
Continue to expand our educational offerings cheap wow gold (both webinars and short courses).
Continue to expand our WOW Academies and Education Alliance members to foster established curriculum standards.
During the course of our work, it is very easy to maintain our focus on what is needed to get the current job accomplished. However, it is our interactions with others which helps us also focus on what still needs to be accomplished. It is my hope that those reading this posting feel the need to become more involved (both at the local and national level). cheap wow gold We can always use more help.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Is The Horde Truly Better Than The Alliance?

As I have started playing more and more one thing that I have started receiving like no other is continuous gankings.

Not just getting jumped by an alliance player but them walking up when I am fighting off 3 or more mobs at a time. Most every time I have been at less than half life. cheap wow gold It really doesn’t happen much at all on my lvl 66 tauren warrior but more often on my lvl 24 blood elf paladin whenever I am playing with my wife.

Last night for example we were lvl 23 and fighting 4 lvl 27 mobs. We killed all but the last one and both out of mana just to turn around and get ganked by a lvl 29 wow gold Who then, luckily, ran off to find other unsuspecting victims.

One might argue that if I don’t like it then I shouldn’t play on a PvP server or they might say “Lrn 2 Play n00b!”. I actually really love playing on a PvP server, but cheap shots are something that I really can’cheap wow gold t tolerate too much.

Yeah, I have been beating up on Alliance for doing this since I play Horde. I was also wondering if any alliance characters have really had problems from the Horde doing this same thing.

I mentioned about this to a guildie who replied…it’s the only way they can kill us. Is the Horde superior to Alliance in skill level and that is the only way they can cause us grief?cheap wow gold Are the Horde just as bad at doing this sorta thing?

I really want to hear some Alliance players chime in to help get a better picture of this annoying practice so we can see from both sides.