Friday, February 9, 2007

The Outland Experience

As I wrote earlier. Here are my first opinions on The Burning Crusade. Blizz has create a wonderfull game, full of excellent soloable content, mixed with very fun group quests. Thoradin dinged 63 last weekend and has become pretty powerfull, if compared to the pre-expansion equivalent. In a few days my gear has more + Spell Damage Leather then was even possible before the expansion. cheap wow gold Equipped in a mixture of Epic ([Cenarion Helm]), Blue ([Crystalfire Staff]) and Greens ([Nature-Stitched Kilt] I’m now wondering the forests of Terrokar, after finshing Hellfire and Zangarmarsh.

I also got a good taste of 2 of the new instance the are in Outland.

Hellfire Ramparts and Blood Furnace are 2 very nice instances. Lasting no more then 1.5 hours maximum they are very nice to do. cheap wow gold And they have good encounters and very nice drops. The end-boss of Hellfire Ramparts is a very, very nasty boss. Nazan burns down a party within 10 seconds if you are not prepared. I did this with a Paladin as Tank, 2 Rogues and a Mage. Another time we failed. We were a Hunter- 2 Druids, Warlock and a Warrior-party. If your warrior isnt geared that well, with Outlands Items or at least Tier 2, he can’t get aggro off a Warlock. cheap wow gold They really need to be good-geared or the Lock has to fear to survive.

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