Saturday, March 17, 2007

How to Get to Level 70 Fast?

Notice that I did not say “easily”, or “without working”. And I definitely did not add “by cheating” or “taking advantage of bugs”. None of those things make us better players, nor do they add any amount of fun to the game. wow power leveling World of Warcraft is only fun if you are willing to work at it. What I want to do is to make my play time more efficient, and to get more results out of the efforts that I make.

For instance, how many times have you grinded (ground?) one mob to get items for a quest, only to turn it in and find another quest right beside it that you could have been picking up items for on the same mob?? wow power leveling Or even getting credit for kills on one quest, while picking up items for another at the same time. Or two different mobs from the same area for two or more different quests. If you can manage to accomplish two or more things with the same effort, then you are increasing your efficiency. wow power leveling

Another example of efficiency improvement comes from reducing your travel time between quests. Knowing “what to do next” is a huge step to reducing the length of time it takes to level up.

Let’s not forget about rest time: if you have two or more toons you can gain efficiency by getting double xp per power leveling True, each toon will take longer to level, but the total time to level all the toons will be shorter than if you did one after the other.

Lastly, knowing where certain mobs and items are is a great way to improve, although not everyone wants to know these things ahead of time. I know that I do, but I can understand the desire to find things out on your own.

I think it was Confucius who said, “Any fool can learn from his own mistakes, but a wise man learns from other people’s mistakes.” To that end, I feel that the Internet provides us some terrific opportunities to pick up knowledge from other people, and to take advantage of the things they have learned from their own power leveling This is efficiency at its highest form, and I am going to let you in on a little secret. I have been levelling using a guide from Brian Kopp, and it has really reduced the amount of time it has taken me to level. So far I am at level 69, and my total playing time on that character has been less than about 60 hours. Much of this has been spent on my professions, which were by no means a requirement. Also, most of my training has been solo, which is what I prefer.

Will this guide work for you? Only if you are an Alliance character;wow power leveling I am sure there are guides for Horde out there, but since I have not made any Horde characters I have not seen any guides for them. However, I will be investigating them soon. As to the Alliance guide, it works for all races and classes including the new ones. The guide comes in 4 parts:

1. Class-specific tips. For each class you are given suggested specs as tool bar setups. Following these earlier would have made my life easier, wow power leveling believe me!

2. Race-specific start-up guides. For each starting area, there is a guide for levels 1-12.

3. General guide for levels 12 - 70. The 60-70 guide is actually added on; it is recommended that you get to 60 before going to Outlands. Partly this is due to the fact that it will be easier once you get there, but also due to the fact that we want to use the quests to get us to 70, wow power leveling and not fall short and have to grind.

4. Map add-on to make finding quest spots easier. I confess that I did not use this, but I can see that it would make life easier power leveling I simply already have a map add-on and I work with it well, so I did not see any need to change.

My main character is a Dwarf Hunter, and I have literally raced through the levels. I know that my next toon would be even faster (a guide does not prevent you from making any mistakes; just most of them!). Also,wow power leveling I have a Human Warrior that is making his way up as well (currently level 11), as tanks are in high demand for instances and raids.

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